What are the business hours?Are you open on weekends?
365 days a year, 24 hours a year.
※As some factories do not have annual holidays, please consult the reception desk of each factory for confirmation.
Can even a small amount be recycled?
According to the goods carried by individuals, the company will recycle them from 1kg in principle.
Please feel free to consult the factory nearby for details.
How to pay it?
In order to meet the needs of customers, cash payment can be made on the spot or payment by transfer in the future.In addition, billing and other flexible payment methods are available.
Can you pick up the goods at the designated place?
Yes. We have a door-to-door pick-up service. We can use heavy machinery, can also handle manual loading, etc. In this case, there may be labor costs and heavy machinery usage fees, so please contact the factory in advance.
How does the metering work?
At the time of recycling, each plant has a truck scale (loadometer) for on-site weighing. It weighs the vehicles before and after unloading to determine the unloading scrap weight. The meter indicator is installed near the truck scale so that the customer can also confirm it.
Where is the factory?
Kanto has 11 outlets in Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa Prefectures, and Kansai has 2 outlets in Osaka. See “Factory Overview” on the website for details.
What does scrap iron mean?
Scrap iron is also called scrap dust. It refers to all kinds of scrap iron produced in the manufacture of iron, steel or steel products, as well as scrap iron caused by aging or breakage of steel products. It is used as an important raw material in the production of steel and castings, and is regenerated into steel again by electric furnaces.
How will the purchased steel scrap be disposed of?
Scrap is screened and processed according to iron, aluminum, lead and other types and grades, and then exported overseas or provided to other companies.
How do I know the purchase price?
As described on our official website, purchase prices change daily. Please contact each factory for the latest price information.
Can various kinds of iron and steel wastes be recycled together?
In principle, it can be recycled. However, according to the different products, there may be processing fees, or it may not be recycled, so please consult the factory.